Our financing round with Founderful has resonated with media

Selected Media Coverage
- Forbes, How Apheros Plans To Take The Heat Out Of The World’s Data Centres (forbes.com)
- VentureBeat, Apheros claims 90% boost in data center cooling with metal foam | VentureBeat
- Insider, Pitch Deck: Apheros Raises $1.85 Million - Business Insider
- TFN, Female-led Swiss startup Apheros raises $1.85M to cool down data centres sustainably — TFN (techfundingnews.com)
- Global Data, Female-led start up Apheros raises $1.85m for data cooling (verdict.co.uk)
- Tech.EU, Apheros raises $1.85M for metal foam cooling tech - Tech.eu
- The Next Web, New metal foam aims to tackle 'dire' energy problem at data centres (thenextweb.com)
- Fierce Network, Apheros secures $1.85M for high performance cooling systems (fierce-network.com)
- EU-Startups, Zurich-based Apheros secures €1.65 million to cool down data centers via metal foams | EU-Startups
- FunderLyst, Apheros in Zurich raises €1.65M to cool data centers | FunderLyst
- Silicon Vally Journals, Swiss Startup Apheros Secures $1.85M to Revolutionize Data Center Cooling with Metal Foam Technology
- Data Center Dynamics, Swiss startup raises $1.85m to commercialize metal foam cooling for data centers
- Digital Infra Network, Female-led startup secures funding to sustainably cool data centers | Digital Infra Network
- BIS Infotech, Apheros secures $1.85M to cool down data centers (bisinfotech.com)
- Data Center News UK, Swiss startup Apheros secures USD $1.85m for DC cooling tech (datacentrenews.uk)
- NSDigital World, Female-led Swiss Deep Tech start-up Apheros secures $1.85M to cool down data centers, using high performance cooling systems
- Startup Ticker, Apheros secures $1.85 million to cool down data centers (startupticker.ch)
- Startups Magazine, Swiss deeptech startup Apheros secures $1.85M for high-performance data centre cooling | Startups Magazine
- StartupHub, Swiss Deep Tech Apheros Secures $1.9M for Data Center Thermal Management Using Metal Foam (startuphub.ai)
- Eureka! Magazine, Deep-tech startup Apheros secures $1.85m (eurekamagazine.co.uk)
- VentureBeat, VB Daily newsletter
- Fortune, Term Sheet newsletter
- Axios, Pro Rata newsletter
- WSJ, VC Pro newsletter
German, French, Italian, or Greek?
- Insider DE, Pitchdeck: Schweizer Startup entwickelt Kühlung für Rechenzentren - Business Insider
- ICT Journal CH, La start-up suisse Apheros sécurise 1,85 million pour ses solutions de refroidissement des datacenters
- Inside IT CH, Zürcher RZ-Kühlungs-Startup sammelt 1,85 Millionen Dollar (inside-it.ch)
- Punkt4Info, Apheros sichert sich 1,6 Millionen Franken - punkt4.info
- Security Storage und Channel Germany, Apheros: Finanzierungsrunde gelungen - Apheros: Funding round Successful
- HD Business, Apheros sviluppa una schiuma metallica per il raffreddamento dei data center (hdblog.it)
- Startupper, Η deeptech Startup Apheros συγκεντρώνει 1,85 εκατ. δολάρια για πρωτοποριακή τεχνολογία ψύξης για κέντρα δεδομένων